Flea markets encourage a sustainable consumption model, the reduction of waste, inexpensiveness, high quality and long-lasting goods, the normalization of buying secondhand, and have an important social impact on local communities.
While flea markets can sometimes be a source of contention in terms of gentrification (i.e. their popping-up in historically disadvantaged neighborhoods), it may be worth directing at least some of our energy and care for these neighborhoods towards the parties responsible for building an equitable city– our leaders.
Our local flea markets carry items in wide varieties of price range– maybe it is time to see for yourself what treasures local New Yorkers have to offer at the flea!
This guide by MustSeeNewYork contains a list of Brooklyn Flea Markets, Other NYC Flea Markets, and Smorgasburg Food Market locations and general information.
FleaMapket has a map of 24 flea markets in NYC!
Here is TimeOut's article of 'The best flea markets in NYC'